
In an era of endless, inferior Michael Bay remakes and rip-offs galore, "Lo" is surprisingly original and memorable despite its micro-budget, shot-on-DV style and stage play feel.

The story? Justin (Ward Roberts, "Manswers") summons the demon Lo (Jeremiah Birkett, "The 10th Kingdom") to retrieve his girlfriend April (Sarah Lassez), who was whisked away to Hell by another demon. Lo and cohorts then spend the remainder of the film screwing with Justin's head and trying to convince him that April wasn't who she appeared to be. Admittedly, I saw the twist coming long before the reveal, there are some segments that drag a bit and there's absolutely no denying the Clive Barker/Sam Raimi influence, but the pros far outweigh the cons if you're into slow-moving, cerebral movies with a warped sense of humor.