
The reunion of Bill (Alex Winter) and Ted (Keanu Reeves) was groomed to be the thoroughly un-PC summer comedy hit of '93, but when the studio heads changed, HIDEOUS MUTANT FREEKZ was retitled and banished to total obscurity on video. Winter (who also wrote and directed) stars as a self-centered actor who winds up being mutated into a monster and put on display at a freak show run by the insane Elijah C. Skuggs (Randy Quaid, in arguably his greatest and campiest role). Keanu appears uncredited and virtually unrecognizable as Ortiz the dog boy. Personally, I think it would have been a massive hit if it had gotten the release it deserved. Thanks to (insane) test audiences who seemingly hated it, the film suffered plenty of cuts, but most of the deleted scenes appear on the special edition 2-disc DVD (the rest have surfaced on You Tube). For fans of the hilariously weird, this one's a must-see! The Official Site features the comic book tie-in and other goodies. On DVD.