The Baby

Fans of bizarro cinema, take notice! As you'll soon see, a bunch of the films that made it to this list are wonderfully sleazy '70s drive-in classics, and The Baby is amongst the sleaziest... which is quite an accomplishment for a film with no nudity and very little profanity.

Baby (David Mooney) is a 20-something man child who's been so badly smothered by his overbearing mother (Ruth Roman, Strangers on a Train, The Killing Kind) and older sisters (Godfather II's Marianna Hill and The Girl Most Likely To...'s Suzanne Zenor) that he can't walk or talk, and he still resides in a crib and wears diapers. When a social worker (Anjanette Comer) takes an interest in Baby's case, the family does everything they can to interfere... particularly when her motives become a little clearer.

The movie's rather ploddingly paced, everyone goes a bit over the top and some of the dialogue is inane, but the jaw-dropping twist ending is one of the most ingeniously depraved endings in the history of film and makes up for any of the flaws that came before it. A remastered, widescreen version of The Baby was released in 2011.


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