Blip: The Video Games Magazine

If you can remember the early days of video arcades, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Asteroid, Pitfall, Tron, and all of those other monstrous videogames with graphics that looked comically primitive by today's standards.... you're old, like me. So do you remember "Blip: The Video Games Magazine?" Yeah, me neither. Released by Marvel Comics, it appears there were only seven issues of the aptly-named "Blip" before it was canceled.

In addition to the aforementioned magazine portion, each issue included a comic strip based on a popular video game -- in the first issue, it's 'Donkey Kong.' But the weirdest thing about this first issue is that the coverstory seems more like it belonged in an issue of the tween-girl's fanzine "Tiger Beat" than a magazine that'd be primarily aimed at guys. "Video Games of the Stars" features Matthew Laborteaux ("Little House on the Prairie," "Whiz Kids," DEADLY FRIEND), Grant Cramer ("The Facts of Life," NEW YEAR'S EVIL), Randall Brooks (Broadway's ANNIE) and Bruce Boxleitner talking about playing video games. Weird. But awesome!