
Okay, so I guess the obligatory intro is necessary, for anyone who cares. I'm Vinnie Rattolle (rat-toll-lee) and I'm a cult movie fan. ("Hi, Vinnie!") For six years I ran a pretty popular self-titled blog (did I mention I'm slightly narcissistic?) which gained a following all its own and turned me into something of a cult blogger. Didn't see that one coming. Anywho, the blog started out as a rare music sharing site then morphed into a beast of its own. Never wanted to be a pirate, so I decided to close the blog and relocate a ton of information. So it's a slightly more legitimate version of Vinnie Rattolle's featuring the best of the old and a whole lot of new.

So what is a cult oddity? Well, a cult movie (or TV show) is usually a little quirky and adored by an audience, though there's varying degrees to it. There are big cult movies like "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," mainstream ones like "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones," more niche titles like "Firefly" /"Serenity," no-budget schlockers like "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and "Manos: The Hands of Fate," and even more obscure flicks that've found smaller audiences like "Warlock Moon," "Nudist Colony of the Dead" and "Voyage of the Rock Aliens." I tend to cover a little of everything, but it's the lesser-known titles that intrigue me most.

I find it frustrating that so little attention has been paid to so many of these movies. Good or bad, every movie ever made was a labor of love for someone, and there's at least one or two interesting stories behind it. And knowing those stories makes re-watching the movie more interesting. So what I have a knack for doing is digging up the history of the movies I write about, oftentimes through newspapers, old magazines, press kits, dvd commentaries, etc. and, on occasion, through firsthand contact with cast/crew members. Now I don't always include a lot of background, and sometimes further information is impossible to find -- which usually makes me more determined than ever to dig something up. And the latter is why is precisely the reason I started a few moderately-extensive sites for things like "Carrie" and "Nocturna," which I decided to relocate here. Just felt right.

So without further ado, sit back, relax, look at the pretty pictures and learn everything you didn't realize you wanted to know about some of the strangest and most obscure movies and TV shows ever made!