Evil Cult

It's best to make sure you have plenty of your favorite intoxicants of choice and a group of close friends nearby before attempting to watch EVIL CULT. It's kinda like early Peter Jackson, to give you some idea what you're in for. Neil Strykor is a time traveling action hero who gets recruited by a... see title. Not a mainstream movie by any stretch of the imagination, this falls into the (intentionally) "so bad it's good" category. There are plentiful references to other, better films, some inept acting and atrocious pacing... but there's also numerous humorous moments, a great twist and some surprisingly good effects for a movie shot on video. Plus Rob Taylor (who co-scripted and co-directed with his twin brother Neil) is a wickedly over-the-top Bruce Campbell wannabe and he succeeds quite well on that level.

Originally funded by obscure label "Indie DVD" as a straight-to-disc oddity, the Taylor brothers were given $1,500 and a DV camera to make their movie. Eight months later the movie wasn't finished, so they gave back the money and set off to finish it on their own, receiving additional funding from their daddy. More than a year passed before the film was finally finished, at which point Indie DVD gave it an official release. Unfortunately the company (which specialized in niche low-budget flicks like "Anarchy TV") went belly-up soon after. A prequel called "The Mad Scientist" began pre-production in 2004... and it finally got finished in 2011. Hopefully it will soon be available. But as for "Evil Cult," eventually the Rob Taylor put it on his You Tube page.