What Do You Say to a Naked Lady?

As I mentioned the other day, WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A NAKED LADY? is a forgotten gem of a film from the people who brought us the popular TV series "Candid Camera" where reactions to nudity are gaged and sex is discussed. Although the styles are dated, the content really isn't -- people are still uncomfortable with nudity nearly 40 years later. There's plenty of laughs and flesh on display but the movie is surprisingly educational too. Unfortunately, now circulating is the R-rated version that was released on video (theatrically it was rated X, but it was later trimmed and re-edited).

A soundtrack LP, featuring music and lyrics by commercial tunesmith Steve Karmen was released to coincide with the film and re-released in the '80s.The memorably catchy music not only perfectly accompanies the visuals of the film, but it makes a great stand alone album. The soundtrack was written and mostly performed by Steve Karmen, who found success in that era writing and performing jingles for commercials -- his most famous is doubtlessly the one for Budweiser Beer ("You'll find you've said it all when you say Bud!"), which was slightly altered ("When You Say Love") and recorded by Eddy Arnold and Sonny & Cher. Several other singers also appear on the soundtrack but they're neither credited in the film nor on the album. Strangely, all of the songs on the LP are virtually identical to the ones in the film except "Just a Little Mystery," which is not only orchestrated quite differently, but it features a female vocalist. They also omitted the brief opening version of "Let's Get Down to It" ("These Are Real People"). In 2011 the album was officially re-released on mp3 with some additional instrumental versions of the songs.


The WB Archive

amazon (soundtrack)

The Internet Movie Database

