
There are many differences between this script and the film. Most notable are the extra/extended scenes, beginning with the prologue (pictured above). The pivotal make-out scene between Sue and Tommy is here, along with a memorable scene in a local restaurant where Chris corners Sue. Other scenes have been re-arranged; Tommy's poem, for example, was scripted to appear before the shower sequence. It's far more clear in the script that Sue and Tommy were oblivious to the prank until it happened, and Chris and Billy came across far more villainous and hateful than they did in the final cut of the film (Travolta and Allen both ad-libbed huge chunks of their scenes together). And there's tons of little pieces of dialog that were trimmed...

This is the "second draft," from January 1976, with a few revised scenes from February and April. The final script included some revised scenes that don't appear here, but this is very close to the shooting script... up to a point. A scene with Margaret and Carrie is included which was ultimately removed (shot 160), causing portions of the dialog to be moved to two different scenes (154 & 171). That's the only big thing that I'm certain wasn't filmed until we get to the prom (beginning around shot 198), most of which was revised (and/or ad-libbed) after this version. Notably, moments before Carrie brings her home crashing down, Sue Snell appears in the house -- an interesting addition to the scene, though I doubt a version of this scene was filmed. The script also includes many "flash cut" and flashback segments to the locker room scene... a late page from the script that's shown in "Acting Carrie" reveals that around 20 shots were ultimately cut from the script, and I surmise that most of these were probably all the unnecessary flashbacks.The final scene of the script (Sue's dream) is an April 5 revision that's pretty close to the version in the film -- but the bulk of the scenes between the prom and the end underwent both minor and major revisions after this version. Okay, blah, blah, blah, I'm done...