Meet the Feebles

Unless you're a hardcore fan of Peter Jackson or had the fortune of stumbling onto the video eons ago (like I did), chances are you've never heard of this insane gem. The way I always describe "Meet the Feebles" is as "The Muppet Show" on acid. Behind the scenes on "The Fabulous Feebles Variety Hour," the stars aren't as lovable as they appear on screen. Heidi the Hippo, who has self-loathing issues, is madly in love with her walrus boss, who's into drug running and getting blowjobs from cats. Harry the Rabbit is such a sex fiend that he's acquired AIDS. There's a crocodile with a drug problem, a cow with pierced nipples who makes porn, a Ghandi-like contortionist who gets his own head stuck up his own... yeah. Completely un-PC, often nightmarishly offensive, sometimes hilarious, there's never been another film like THE FEEBLES. On DVD, but unfortunately, there's yet to be a good DVD release of the film that I'm aware of. Come on, Pete, dig out the masters and give us a good HD release, already!