Putting up a claim for a stolen car

SUN TRADING COMPANY, 75, Bandaranayke Road


Date: 13th March, 20....

The Manager,

Dasa Insurance Company,

Dasa House,


Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your information that our Fiat Car No. MAS 1413 which is insured against your Insurance Policy No. 934178 dated 3rd January, 20....... for US $5000 was stolen from the courtyard of our office on the night of 4th March, 20...............

A complaint with the police was lodged on the

morning of 5th March and copy of FIR No. A/17325, dated 5th March, 20….., is enclosed.

We request you to please send us our insurance money for the car at an early date.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Sun Trading Co
