Reminding Bank


234-Mount Street , SINGAPORE

Ref. No.: 397

The Manager,

.................... Bank Limited,

Sub: Our documents for US$...... in the name Of Messrs..................


Dear Sir,

1. The above documents were sent to you under registered cover on

2. As per instructions contained in the covering letter, the documents were returnable immediately after the…. in case the same remained uncleared

until then.

3. It is presumed that the documents have been released by the party concerned and amount received by you.

4. A draft for the amount should therefore be sent to us by return of post. If by any chance the documents are still uncleared, they must be returned to us by

return of post.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


For Capital Forwarding Company


c.c. .to (party in whose favour the documents are drawn)

Yours faithfully,

For Capital Forwarding Company


…………………………………………………for information and necessary action.