Enclosing cheques for insurance

George Baker 49, Hall Avenue

London 1304.

7th March, 20......


The Manager,

UK Life Insurance Corporation,

Piccadilly Circus,

London 2120.

Dear Sir,

I am enclosing three cheques as per details below towards life insurance of self, wife and son.

1. Cheque No. AK 134718 for £300 George Baker.

2. Cheque No. AK 134719 for £250 Mrs. Agnes Baker

3. Cheque No. AK 134720 for £200 Master Jack Baker.

Please send official receipts and Insurance Policies for my records.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

George Baker

Note; these cheques can also be sent through insurance agent who will arrange the receipts for you. The Insurance Policies will, however, normally be sent to you through registered post.