MA welcome 2023

Get started with IT and other skills

Find out how to get going with the University's IT systems as well as key skills resources to make sure you're starting the MA on the right foot. 

You can access the full current student information on our skills development page

Please note that you will need to be logged into your Sheffield student MUSE account to access some of these pages. Students who have accepted an unconditional offer will be able to do this from early September once you've received your pre-registration phase two email. 

Get started with Sheffield's IT systems - how to get connected to our WiFi, IT security, access your email, manage your files and make the most of the Google Workspace. 

You can also find out about our online learning environment and download the iSheffield app.

Introduction to digital learning

A range of guidance and videos to introduce you to tools you'll need to support your learning and assessment throughout your studies, including how to access and organise your Blackboard courses, and submit assignments.

If you are unfamiliar with Google products or you'd just like some additional help getting started, don't forget to come along to the Digital Learning Induction in Intro Week. 

This session will introduce you to the Google Workspace - in particular, how to compose and respond to emails and manage your calendar and drive. It will also include an introduction to our virtual learning environment, Blackboard, which is the online space where you access module content, participate in online teaching sessions and submit assessments. 

Level Up Your Skills - Academic Skills for Masters Students is designed to walk you through the skills you'll need from from pre-arrival to the end of semester one.

You may also find the academic skills for wellbeing and study skills online pages helpful.

Put together by the library, this list is aimed at all new students covering a range of topics including study skills, wellbeing and things to do in Sheffield. 

The English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC) offers a range of services, including the Writing Advisory Service aimed at all students and additional services specifically for international students.

They also offer specialist support for students with Dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties.

Find out more about the mySkills portfolio which is a great tool to record and reflect on the wide range of skills and knowledge that you gain through your MA degree plus any work experience and extra curricular activities you undertake.