MA welcome 2023

Get involved in the Sheffield community and explore the city

Find out about our community, how to get involved in events and activities, and ways to explore Sheffield as a city.

You can access the full current student information on our get involved page.

Postgrad life in History

The Department is a friendly place to study. We do our best to make sure that all students have the opportunity to meet regularly with other postgraduate students, academics and visiting lecturers for support and the exchange of ideas. MA students are encouraged to attend the departmental research seminars, which take place regularly during term-time. 

Our current students are also really active in helping to create a departmental research community of both taught and research postgraduate students and academic staff. Postgraduate students have their own forum and organise a variety of research and social events throughout the year including discussion groups that cover a wide range fields from medieval to modern history and including gender history and world history. 

Keep an eye on the departmental events section of our website for more information, you will also be emailed about key activities.

The PG Forum is the heart of the postgrad community and voice for students in the department. Find out more on their Google site and join the history postgraduate community on Facebook.

The full 2023-24 committee will be appointed in October - keep an eye out for emails to get involved! 

Find out about the department's wider research culture and upcoming events. 

Research seminars for semester one will be added to the events page shortly. 

The Academic Rep system is one of the ways that MA students can shape the History MA programme. You can feed back your thoughts on how the MA works to the MA Academics Reps or become a rep yourself

Explore our history blogs and community social media

There are opportunities for MA students to get involved in writing for all three blogs.

Activities across the University

Orientation Week is an optional programme of information sessions, social events and activities designed to give students a little extra help and time to settle into life in Sheffield and the University. It's organised by the Global Engagement team but is available to both international and UK students.

Find out about events and entertainment, volunteering, and how you can explore new and existing interests through virtual activities & sports fairs and Give it a Go.

Get to know Sheffield 

If you haven't already seen it, the University's self-guided City tour is a great place to start getting a sense of the city centre. 

City tour by current Sheffield University students Ryan and Aleena

Ololade and Sam talk about things to do in Sheffield when you're not studying

Whether you’re new to Sheffield and want to get to know the city or just want to meet other postgraduate students, don't forget to take part in our history themed city walking tour  during welcome week (takes 50-60 minutes). 

A few guides to get you started with a more in-depth exploration of the city  at your own pace - Suffragettes, Queer History, architecture...

Discover what to do in Sheffield