MA attendance and absences

The University’s expectations regarding student attendance and engagement are included in the formal Regulations and the Terms and Conditions that you sign-up to when you accept and register on a place at the University. You can read the University's policy on attendance and attendance monitoring here.

Regular attendance has clear benefits on a student’s progression, wellbeing and academic success during their degree. Unless prevented by illness or other extenuating circumstances, you should attend all timetabled lectures and seminars. We monitor your engagement with your studies to make sure you are getting the most out of your time with us and have the tools you need to succeed. This includes recording attendance in activities such as seminars, personal tutor meetings and dissertation supervision meetings. This helps our welfare team to identify and support students who may be struggling to fully engage with their programme.  

Recording your attendance at timetabled events

From Spring 2023-24, we will be using the University’s new digital check-in tool which allows students to record their own attendance at timetabled events via the iSheffield app. 

At the beginning of each seminar, your tutor will give you a code that you can use to log your attendance via the check-in tile - click here for check-in instructions

The Digital Check-in Google site also has frequently asked questionsdemo videos and troubleshooting tips if you need more information. 

How to prepare for using the new system [click to expand]

To prepare for this, you will need to download and set up the iSheffield app. Many of you will use iSheffield already to access your timetable and other information but if not, click here for set-up information. From 1 February, you should access the ‘student check-in’ tile and make sure you can see your timetable. iSheffield uses geolocation data to verify that you are in the teaching event’s location, you will need to enable location and data services in the iSheffield app giving access to your exact location. You should also use data rather than wifi during check-in. Your location data will not be reported on or used for tracking in any other way - see more information on location data


Acceptable reasons for absence to be authorised include:

Issues such as oversleeping, sports activities, part-time work or family occasions are not considered valid reasons to miss classes. Our general advice on absences is to consider whether an employer would deem it a reasonable excuse.

What should I do if I need to miss a seminar?

How will the Department review my attendance and what will you do if I’m absent?

The bottom line: keep your tutors informed about any absences, and let the department know if you are struggling to attend or engage - we are here to help!

Who can I talk to if I have a problem or need support

During your studies you may experience difficulties which could affect your academic performance. These kinds of difficulties are known as 'extenuating circumstances' and may include medical problems such as illness, or personal problems and difficult situations such as bereavement or being affected by crime - click here for more details on documenting circumstances

Your personal tutor and the MA welfare team are available if you have questions or issues during your studies. They are there to you with any difficulties you may be experiencing and point you in the right direction for specialist help or any additional skills development you may be interested in.