PGR health & safety

IT-related health & safety and security 

Over a period of time you can suffer serious ill effects if you use display screen equipment without a few sensible precautions.

You should take an online DSE self-assessment at the beginning of your course and subsequently on an annual basis

You should also undertake a new DSE if you have a significant change to your equipment and/or work environment. 

Training is available.

Computer security

Account security - Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 

To ensure our IT systems and sensitive information remain safe and secure, all students are required to use MFA.

Getting started with MFA and troubleshooting

Mandatory information security training

Access information security training

Device security

IT Services and the Arts IT team strongly advise you to keep confidential data on your University Google Drive or University filestore (U:Drive).

The University Desktop automatically stores the contents of 'My Documents' and the 'Desktop' to the U:Drive and so you won’t need to manually backup files in these locations.

If you are using a YoYo branded desktop PC, please be aware that it is possible to save files on the PCs hard drive. Saving files to the desktop and documents folder on YoYo will not automatically link to the U:Drive. Instead you will need to select the U:Drive from the network drives list in the file explorer window to save to your account.

Locking your computer

When away from your computer - even if only for a short time - you should always manually lock it (press ctrl-alt-delete and select 'lock'). 

Other useful links:

Accessing Jessop West out of hours

Jessop West is open 8.00am-6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

To request out of hours access you must complete and pass Fire Safety training and Out of Hours training. This training must be kept up-to-date or your card will be deactivated. Out of Hours training is valid for 3 years and Fire Safety training is valid for one year.

Training is available.

Once you have completed both forms of training please email the out of hours contact providing your uCard number and we will arrange for your uCard to be activated for swipe access. Access will usually be provided within 6 working days. 

Working in the Department out of hours

All students are advised that no one is permitted to work in the department on their own outside office hours. 

If you are in the department out of hours you will need to sign in using the out of hours working record book on the Information Desk on the ground floor and sign out again when you leave. 

If you are already in the building at 6.00pm you must still sign in at this time. 

Please ensure when you leave the Department you do not leave a solitary student working alone. 

Access during these times will be via swipe card (UCard) and you should carry it with you at all times to avoid being locked out of the Departmental corridors.

Fire procedures

Jessop West assembly point: St George's Churchyard.

On hearing a fire alarm all staff and students must leave the building immediately and assemble in the designated area.

Fire exits are clearly marked and in the case of a fire all occupants should use the stairs at the end of each wing unless otherwise instructed by a fire marshall, do not use the lifts in cases of fire.

Fire Alarm testing takes place on Mondays between 10am and 12pm.

Safety and first aid

Please do not leave personal possessions unattended and ensure that you lock your computer when not in use. The University cannot accept responsibility for damage to, or loss of, personal property.

First aid box locations: first and second floor kitchens and third floor photocopy room.

In the event of an emergency where staff are not available you should telephone 4444 on a University internal phone and give details clearly and concisely. Accidents resulting in injury must be reported to the departmental Health and Safety Officer.

Fire safety training

If you will be using the workspaces available in Jessop West you are required to undertake Fire Safety training on an annual basis.

Training is available.