MA failure and resubmission

If you fail the assessed work for a module or modules, you will normally be required to submit a new piece of work. Where a module has multiple assessment components, you will only be required to resubmit the component(s) that you fail.

When the marks are released through Blackboard you will also be contacted via email to let you know that you have failed. Your essay will then be considered at the appropriate MA exam board (usually in March or July) and a new deadline will be set and notified to you.


Dissertations are considered at the final board (usually in late October). If you fail your dissertation, we will write to you following the exam board to set out your options, which will usually include retaking your dissertation over the course of the next academic year, or choosing to take the award of Diploma.

If you need to resubmit a piece of work, it is very important that you use the feedback from your tutor to help you make improvements to your work and pass the module. You will receive written feedback on your original essay and, as always, we would encourage you to both speak to your tutor in person about your feedback and speak to your tutor about your plans for your new essay.

Resubmitted assessed work can only be awarded a pass mark (i.e. a maximum of 50). Where a module has multiple components and one is resubmitted, the overall module mark is capped at 50.

Please note that if you obtain a lower fail mark at the second attempt, the higher mark will stand.

Registering to resubmit

You will need to register and pay the appropriate fee for all resubmissions. More information as well as registration and payment links are available on the resits and reassessment webpage.


If you need to resubmit your dissertation, you will need to apply to repeat a period of study as an external student and pay the appropriate dissertations and projects fee. More information and the application form are available on the repeating a period of study webpage.

What if I fail again after resubmission?

If you successfully complete 165 credits of MA modules - including all core modules - then the exam board may, at the discretion of the examiners, consider you for the award of Masters degree. In this case, you must also have achieved a weighted average grade of not less than 50 and a mark of not less than 40 in the failed credits.

Students who do not pass 165 credits cannot be recommended for the award of a Masters degree but may be eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate. Students who fail to pass one of the core modules will only be eligible for consideration for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate.

For more information see University regulations on failures, resubmission and degree awards.