Deadline extensions 

If you experience difficulties meeting a deadline for health or personal reasons, you need to request an extension at least two days before the deadline, wherever possible. Extension requests are considered by the Welfare Team, who aim to respond within one to two working days, where possible.

Extensions are not granted lightly, but are considered on a case by case basis by taking into account circumstances that may impact your ability to complete your work within the original timeframe. There is full guidance on the Extenuating Circumstances page, where you can find and submit the form online.

If you are a dual student, or taking a cross-listed module from another department, please note that extension requests should be submitted to the department under which the module sits.

Work that is submitted after the deadline in cases where an extension has not been granted will be subjected to lateness penalties. If you wish to challenge a lateness penalty being imposed, for example in situations where you were impacted by circumstances but unable to let us know at the time of submission, you can submit an Extenuating Circumstances form and request the penalty be removed. These requests will be considered by the Welfare Team, and may be discussed (with your details anonymised) at the Extenuating Circumstances Panel preceeding the exam board.