MA assessment

Deadlines for assessed and non-assessed work. 

Before you start preparing your assignments make sure to look over the relevant marking criteria. 

Information on word limits and word limit penalties.

If you experience difficulties that might affect your ability to meet a deadline it is important that you speak to us as soon as possible.

Preparing your assessed work

Different modules will have different arrangements regarding their assessment, with many modules giving you considerable flexibility over what to write about in your essays. An overview of the requirements for each module are available through the module information pages. The module convenor will usually provide additional assessment guidance as part of the course booklet or as a separate document - usually these are shared on Blackboard

You should also be in touch with your module tutors in order to discuss appropriate topics to write about, this should be done in plenty of time ahead of the deadline. This will allow your tutor to provide feedback and make sure that you have understood the requirements, and have selected an appropriate topic for the size of the exercise. If your module includes formative work (i.e. core modules and the dissertation), it is also important that you fully engage with these exercises allowing you to benefit from the feedback and incorporate it into your final assignment. More information on feedback.

Before you start preparing your assignments make sure to look over the relevant marking criteria. 

The History style guide offers useful advice on presentation as well as guidelines about referencing and bibliographies.

If your research involves human participants i.e. through interviewing you will need to submit an ethics application before you begin.

It is important to be aware of the University's guidelines and how to avoid the use of unfair means. 

Example essays and dissertations offer an additional tool to help with your own assignments. They cover a wide range of topics and issues, and together they represent examples of good practice in MA-level essay writing. 

They are not, of course, 'model' answers to copy - there is never just one way to write a good history essay - and please be aware of the need to avoid unfair means, as always. The essays will be most useful to you in terms of their approach - how they set out arguments, use evidence and engage with secondary literature. Doing this well is important across all MA modules.

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Presenting and submitting your assessed work

Guidance on the information you should include with your assignments

Information on how to submit your assignments

Information on penalties that will apply to late submission. 

Feedback, resubmission and results

Information on how your work is marked and how you will receive feedback.

What will happen if you fail a module and need to resubmit a piece of written work.

Information on how your degree is classified, receiving your results, prizes and graduation.

Exam Boards

Watch the Arts and Humanities De-mystifying the Exam Board video to find out how exam boards work including classifications and taking into account extenuating circumstances.