MA welcome 2024

MA module choice for history programmes

History MA module choice will take place from Thursday 22 August to 12pm on Friday 13 September 2024. 

Before submitting your preferences, please consider your choices using the information below and/or by calling into one of our drop-in sessions. You can also get in touch with us at with any questions.

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If you have any questions about induction and registration activities please contact us at  

Module information

Module information by programme

Use the links below to view information about modules, how the programme works - full-time and part-time -, teaching and assessment for your programme. 

Dissertation supervisor information 

Full-time students, and part-time students entering their second year, will provide a provisional topic area for your dissertation as part of your module choice form. This information will be used to allocate your supervisor.

Find out more about our supervisors and their availability

Making your choices

When module choice opens you will complete a module form indicating your first choice option modules and back-up choices. 

If you are interested in taking Work Placement or a language please read the additional information below. 

History modules are not allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis - all module choice forms submitted by the appropriate deadline will receive equal consideration. 

Please note that module availability may still change at this stage due to student uptake. For guided modules, the owning programme has final approval for acceptance onto their modules and, if space becomes limited, priority may be given to students registered on that programme.

What if I would like to change my choices?

If you would like to amend your choices prior to the deadline you can submit a new form. After the deadline, please email

Do I also need to submit my choices to the University's Online Module Selection System? 

Applicants who have accepted an unconditional offer will receive an email around 23-26 August confirming access to new pre-registration tasks.* One of these tasks is called 'Selection of Approved Modules' and is open from 23 August. You do not need to complete this task as your history modules will be uploaded for you after completion of the history module allocation process. Any history modules that are submitted through the University's online module choice system will be rejected to avoid confusion and conflict with the module upload. You may need to submit non-history modules to the Online Module Selection system and we'll advise where relevant. 

*Applicants who receive or accept an unconditional offer after 26 August will usually be sent the email within a few days.

Additional Work Placement information (click to expand)

Placement information

Work placement information for 2024-25 is now available here

Preference form

Students who have selected Work Placement need to complete the preference form by 12pm on Friday 13 September 2024. This form will ask you to indicate your top three placements choices and to talk about the reasons for your first choice and your suitability for that placement.  

Placement allocations

Successful placement allocations will be notified as part of the general module allocation process.

Additional Language module application information (click to expand)

The Languages for All programme gives students access to studying a wide range of languages. 

Language modules offered by the Modern Languages Teaching Centre (Arabic, French, German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Czech, Dutch and Russian) and the School of East Asian Studies (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) are usually taught in combined classes with undergraduate students and members of the public and are 10 credits. MA students will take an additional 5 credit Enhanced Languages module to make the credits up to 15.

For students of history, Latin is particularly invaluable, as it provides direct access to a wealth of primary sources and historical documents, offering you the tools to engage with the texts in their original language. To find out about learning Latin with us, you can watch this video.

In addition to submitting your history module choice form, you will need to complete the MLTC or SEAS application form so that they can consider your existing language skills and which level of language learning would be appropriate. These forms will open on 9 September 2024. In the meantime you can complete the MTLC or SEAS register an interest form and you will be contacted when applications open.

If successful, places on Language modules are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis, so we would recommend completing the application form quickly once it opens. 

Module choice forms

The module choice forms for 2024 are now open. 

Module choice forms will open on Thursday 22 August 2024. The deadline for equal consideration is 12pm on Friday 13 September 2024

To submit your module choices click on the relevant link below and complete the form. You will receive confirmation of your submission via email once you have submitted the form - if this email does not arrive within an hour please email us at

Please also contact if you have any questions. 

Please note that the following modules are no longer available, please do not select them on the form:

Confirmation of your modules 

Module allocation will take place after the deadline. You will be emailed confirmation of your final History module allocations - including relevant seminar groups - by 4pm on Monday 16 September 2024

You do not need to take part in the University's pre-registration 'Selection of Approved Modules' task except in some specific circumstances. Your modules will be uploaded directly to your record from 16 September. Any History modules that are submitted through the University's online module choice system will be rejected to avoid confusion and conflict with the module upload. 

You may need to submit non-history modules to the Online Module Selection system - we'll advise where relevant - and their approval timings may vary. 

Once you have 180 credits of modules on your record you can proceed to registration - see the welcome programme for more information

Your timetable will usually update by the following day, though this may take an extra day for modules with multiple seminar groups. 

Changing your option modules

If you would like to make changes to your optional modules after your modules have been loaded to your record, you should follow the add drop process

Confirming your supervisor

You will be emailed confirmation of your Dissertation supervisor by 4pm on Friday 4 October.