MA taking a break

Thinking of leaving or need time out from your studies?

If you are thinking about leaving University or think that you may need time away from your studies, you should come and speak to your personal tutor or a member of the postgraduate support team. We can talk to you about the different options available to you and offer support.

Taking time away from your studies

After discussing your options you may decide that taking time away from your studies is the best option for you. This is called leave of absence and it normally involves having a year away from University. On a taught modular programme such as ours, it is difficult to take a few weeks away from full-time study during the teaching year and then pick up the threads again because of the number of classes that you will have missed. Depending on your circumstances, you may find that you need to take an extended period of absence in order to be able to resume the course full-time without suffering any disadvantage.

For general information, which may help with your decision, please see the University Support Hub's taking time out of University webpages. If you decide that leave of absence is the best way forward then you will need to complete a Leave of Absence form and submit it to the Postgraduate Student Experience Manager. Applications are submitted to the Faculty by Departments and students are notified of the outcome of their application in due course.

You will also need to take into account any financial implications and the Student Advice Centre are well placed to advise you on this.

Withdrawing from your degree

If you decide that you definitely don’t want to stay at the University of Sheffield then you can choose to withdraw. If you decide that withdrawing is the best way forward then you will need to complete a withdrawal form and submit it to the Postgraduate Student Experience Manager.

Please note that any outstanding debt to the University will become payable on withdrawal.

For general information, which may help with your decision, please see the University Support Hub's taking time out of University webpages. If you have any questions please do get in touch with the Postgraduate Student Experience Manager, Student Support Officer, your personal tutor or the Director of MA Programmes.