Extenuating Circumstances

What should I do if extenuating circumstances affect my studies?

During your studies you may experience difficulties which could affect your academic performance. Such difficulties are known as "extenuating circumstances" and may include medical problems such as illness, or personal problems and difficult situations such as bereavement or being affected by crime. They are defined as events which are:

As a department, and university, we are committed to supporting you through challenges you are facing. Details of support available can be found here.

You are encouraged to document extenuating circumstances as much as possible to ensure examination boards can consider medical/personal factors, particularly at the final year exam board when degrees classifications are calculated. You should document this by completing an Extenuating Circumstances Online form at the bottom of this page.

We encourage you to speak to your personal tutor who can advise on what information to include, and direct you to sources of support, where appropriate.

In order to ensure consideration by the Examination Board, Extenuating Circumstances forms should be submitted no later than the Thursday following the end of the examination period.

Deadline extensions

The extension procedure allows you to request a short extension to a coursework deadline. You must put your extension request in as early as possible and at least two working days before the coursework deadline. The extension procedure allows you to request a short extension to a coursework deadline in order to manage short / minor illnesses, or other minor life events. You can self-certify one request per semester (this may cover a number of deadlines in the affected period) and you will need to request and have this approved by your department, giving a short explanation about why you need an extension, but you will not need to submit evidence.

If you require an extension of more than 7 calendar days or have already made a self-certification extension request, you will likely need to have a support appointment with either the Student Experience Manager, Student Support Officer or Senior Tutor, and may need you to submit some form of evidence. You can find the contact details on the help and support pages.

You should use the google form below to request an extension. We will aim to respond within 2 days, letting you know the outcome. For minor circumstances, in the first instance we tend to grant extensions of 3 working days or, if necessary, up to a week. Further extensions may be possible, but requesting numerous extensions may not be beneficial to your progress and multiple extension requests may prompt a further discussion with your department and referral to the relevant support.  

Please note:

Some examples of extension requests that are likely to be accepted:

Situations where alternative support should be sought and will not usually require adjustments to extensions:

Extenuating circumstances procedure

The Extenuating Circumstances procedure allows you to put the challenging personal circumstances affecting your academic performance on record, so that they can be considered at the relevant examination board. Please note, not all difficult or distressing events will be considered in this way. The system is intended to cover events where there is:

Please complete the online form below, and the welfare team will consider your circumstances and agree the best course of action to support you. We may ask to have a support meeting with you, to discuss potential outcomes.

Some examples of extenuating circumstances that are likely to be accepted:

Situations where alternative support should be sought and will not usually require adjustments to assessments:

Extenuating Circumstance Outcomes

The final outcome and resulting grade should be in line with what would be expected from your performance in unaffected circumstances. Your request will be considered by the Extenuating Circumstances panel, who will approve or decline the request and recommend an outcome to the Exam Board. Should your request be approved, some of the main outcomes that may be enacted are:

Evidence and paperwork

We strongly encourage you to use the forms below to document any extenuating circumstances you have faced during your degree. In cases where you are not requesting a particular action, we will still note the circumstances on your record, as it may be relevant to bring them into discussion at a later point, for example circumstances in your second year that may impact your performance, but won't be considered in your overall degree classification until your final year.

When your circumstances require evidence, it is important that it is genuine, accurate and verifiable, with dates that support the impact on assessment. This may include, for example, a doctor's note recording illness or hospitalisation, or official correspondance of eg. jury service. There is space in the online form to upload a file in various formats, but please do get in touch if you are unable to provide the evidence in this way.

Please note that:

If you are unsure of what may be required, or how to obtain the relevant evidence/paperwork, please do get in touch with the History Welfare Team, and we will be happy to have a chat about what might be necessary.

Extension Request and Extenuating Circumstances Form

Please use this form to request an extension or to make us aware of extenuating circumstances:

Extension & Extenuating Circumstances Form