Deadline extensions 

If you experience difficulties meeting a deadline for health or personal reasons, you need to request an extension before the deadline, wherever possible. Extensions can only be granted by the History Welfare team (for more details on the team and how they can help, see our Quick Guide to Help and Support).

Extensions are not lightly granted: the Welfare team needs to know why your work will be arriving late. The Welfare team will respond within three working days, sympathetically to significant illness or injury, or to serious problems at home. Otherwise, the safest thing is to get your work in on time. Book problems, clashing deadlines and computer or printer difficulties are not grounds for an extension.

Computer issues are not grounds for an extension. 

To request an extension please complete the form below. 

You should be aware that procedures for granting extensions may be different in other departments.

If you want to challenge a penalty that has been imposed, in the first instance you should contact the level tutor. If you are still unhappy with that verdict, you may appeal to the Senior Tutor. Be aware, however, that a reconsidered case may result in an increased penalty.