MA degree prizes

The following prizes are available to be awarded to MA students in the Department of History. Some prizes are awarded at the final MA Examination Board each year based on overall student performance. Some prizes can be applied for during your studies to support academic research.

Prizes awarded at the MA examination board

George Richard Potter MA Prize in History

The George Richard Potter MA Prize in History will be awarded each year to the student or students who achieve(s) the best overall performance(s) in their assessed MA work.

Crewe History MA Dissertation Prize

The Crewe History MA Dissertation Prize will be awarded each year to the student or students who achieve(s) the best overall dissertation performance(s) on a subject in British history (preference may be given to work that relates to the history of Yorkshire)

Sir Ian Kershaw MA Dissertation Prize

The Sir Ian Kershaw MA Dissertation Prize will be awarded each year to the student who achieves the best overall dissertation performance on a subject on European History. 

The Dorothy Philips MA Dissertation Prize

The Dorothy Philips MA Dissertation Prize will be awarded each year to the student who achieves the best overall dissertation performance on a subject on global history.

Prizes available for applications during the academic year

The Bryan Marsden Prize in American History will be awarded each year to the student or students who submit the most meritorious proposal(s) for archival research on an American History topic. The prize money is to be used for travel expenses related to this proposed research.

The William Carr Prize will be awarded each year to the student or students who submit the best proposal(s) for research on some aspect of the history of German-speaking countries.

The Dorothy Philips Prize will be awarded each year to the MA student or students who submit the best proposal(s) in any field of historical research.