MA submitting your work

Deadlines for assessed work are set at 12 noon on the dates specified.

You should submit an electronic copy of your essay to Turnitin (plagiarism detection software) by the appropriate deadline. Please note the exceptions below.

The standard penalties for late submission apply. If you do not submit your work to Turnitin, then you will be awarded a mark of 0.

Please make sure that you have read the information on how to present your written work before submission.

Turnitin submission links are available in the module's Blackboard site. 

You should go into the Blackboard site the relevant module and in the left-hand menu select the 'assignment submission' link under the Assessment and Feedback header. You should carefully read the information on this page before submission. 

Links will appear in your Activity Feed but these are prone to breaking and as indicated above you should access the submission page to review the submission information which includes an unfair means declaration.  

Important: When submitting your work through Turnitin, you should include your registration number at the start of the submission title.

After submission, the submission screen will show a banner confirming successful upload and a link to download your digital receipt. You should check that your essay has uploaded correctly and we recommend downloading and keeping a copy of your receipt. If the receipt does not appear you should repeat the submission process again.

If you experience any technical problems with Turnitin, please email or phone 0114 22 22552.

More Turnitin submission information

Specific learning disabilities: if you have a specific learning disability and have been provided with yellow stickers by DDSS, you should write "Yellow sticker" in the title of your Turnitin submission. This should be after your registration number and before your essay title. 

Guidance on yellow stickers. If you think that you should have access to yellow stickers you should contact DDSS to discuss support.

Please note that Turnitin sometimes experiences issues with uploads via Safari. We recommend using another browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

Work Placement 

Placement form

The placement form submission is through a Google form:

Presenting the Past: Making History Public

Individual reflective essays

Standard Turnitin submission.

Group work

The group work is not submitted via Turnitin. 

Each group should submit one electronic copy of the work (this can be submitted any individual group member) through a Google form:

Shareable files i.e. videos (including Sketchup exports), podcasts, screenshots can be uploaded via the form. 

Sketchup - you should set up scenes for your exhibition in Sketchup, export to video and upload the video file. You are also welcome to share your Sketchup file and other components but these are not required and will not be shared with examiners. Scenes can be set up using either the web or desktop version of Sketchup. The video export can only be done using the desktop version, which is available on University managed computers or you can download a trial. If you have issues with the video export contact Beky ( and you can uploaded the Sketchup file as long as your scenes have been set up. 

Other online projects i.e. a social media accounts / webpages - you can take screenshots or save PDF versions and upload these. To allow markers to see the 'live' site, you can also save the pages as HTML files and also upload these and/or if you can publish the site in a non-public way then you can include a link in the Google form.

Google sites - we will setup Google Site folders in a shared Drive that the History Team have access to. You should put your site and any associated files in the folder and include the link to the folder in the form. Your access to these folders will be removed after the deadline.


Title and synopsis forms

Title and synopsis submissions are through a Google form:

Annotated bibliography

Standard Turnitin submission.


Standard Turnitin submission.

Plagiarism form

You should also complete the plagiarism form, to certify that your dissertation is your own work and not the result of any collaboration.