Module Choice FAQs

Level 2 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why do single honours students need to take a module from each "band"?

A. We require all single honours History students to take at least one module from each band - pre-1500, 1500-1800, and post-1800. This is stipulated in the programme regulations for your degree, to ensure you build broad historical knowledge across different time periods. As you know, the Level 1 modules also do this, but Level 2 options and document modules are more focused. We believe it is important that you gain insight into medieval, early modern, and modern history over the course of your degree to gain the fullest possible understanding of the discipline.  

In your final year, you can choose to specialise in your preferred time period in your special subject and your dissertation.

Q. Why do I need to provide more than one set of preferences?

A. We ask you to choose two sets of preferences because places are limited on our document and option modules to ensure we can maintain small-group teaching. We will assign you to a combination of both sets of preferences, to ensure fairness.

Q. Can I take any unrestricted credits?

A. Yes, you can choose up to 20 unrestricted credits, e.g. 2 X 10-credit language modules. However, please bear in mind that the credits you take at Level 2 will count towards your final degree. If taking 10-credit language modules, you cannot get to the end of semester one and then change your mind, as all History modules are 20 credits. Please therefore consider any unrestricted modules carefully, and make any changes during the add/drop period at the start of semester one.

Q. Why do I need to make my choices so early? My dual department hasn't released the list of available modules yet.

A. As places on modules are limited, we need to run an allocation process before we can confirm your choices. The allocation process takes some time, and so we ask you to make your choices early in the Spring semester, to ensure we can complete this before the University Online Module Selection system opens, and you are asked to enter your modules.

If, when you make your dual subject choices, this means you need to come back to us and adjust your History choices, we will do our best to accommodate this.

Q. I have made a mistake with my preferences. What should I do?

A. Please email as soon as possible to let us know.

Level 3 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why do I need to choose 6 preferences for my special subject?

A. Places on special subjects are limited to 16 per group - this is so that we can maintain small-group teaching and provide a high level of support to all students taking these intensive, highly focused modules. We ask you to choose 6 preferences, but we hope to allocate the majority of students to their first or second choice - in the 2020-21 academic year, more than half of all students were placed on their first choice of special subject, and 93% of students were given their first or second choice. However, please do consider your choices carefully: read the module descriptions, go to the module choice fair, talk to special subject convenors, and keep an open mind when considering your preferences.

Q. Do I have to link my dissertation to my special subject?

A. We recommend that you do, and we find that most students choose to do this - level three is an intensive year, and it can be beneficial for your special subject research to inform your dissertation, and vice versa. If you are considering writing your dissertation on a topic not linked to your special subject, please talk to the dissertation module convenor at the start of semester one for advice.

Q. Why do I need to make my choices so early? My dual department hasn't released the list of available modules yet.

A. As places on modules are limited, we need to run an allocation process before we can confirm your choices. The allocation process takes some time, and so we ask you to make your choices early in the Spring semester, to ensure we can complete this before the University Online Module Selection system opens, and you are asked to enter your modules.

If, when you make your dual subject choices, this means you need to come back to us and adjust your History choices, we will do our best to accommodate this.

Q. I have made a mistake with my preferences. What should I do?

A. Please email as soon as possible to let us know.