History Careers Hub - General Information

Potential Career Options

A History degree will provide you with a number of transferable skills that employers value. This means there are numerous different sectors and roles you can consider for you career. It is worth spending some time thinking about the type of role you'd enjoy and area of work you'd like to go into. Alumni from our department are working in a variety of sectors including:






Local/National Government





A good place to start thinking about what may interest you professionally is this Careers Service webpage.

The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers is a comprehensive annual guide to graduate jobs at the UK’s leading employers. You can access the free digital edition for 2022-2023 here.

The British Academy have also published an interesting report demonstrating how valued Humanities students are to employers. It also highlights how Humanities students are just as employable as those studying STEM subjects. An article outlining the report can be found here: https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/news/arts-humanities-and-social-science-graduates-resilient-economic-downturns/


Alumni Video Profiles

You can view alumni video profiles recorded by alumni from the Department of History here. These profiles will give you an insight into the various different careers our alumni have gone on to pursue. We hope you find these profiles interesting and informative. They may assist in your own decisions about your future career.

Alumni Careers Evenings

Every year, the department host's an Alumni Careers evening, where a panel of our alumni give talks to our students about their careers and how their degrees in History have helped them professionally. 

You can view the 2022-2023 event here.

You can view the 2021-2022 event here.

You can view the 2020-2021 event here

Work Experiences Event

On 15.02.22, the department hosted an online event where we welcomed a combination of current student and alumni speakers to discuss the various types of work experiences they are undertaking/did undertake whilst studying. These included work placements as part of their degrees, internships and voluntary work. 

You can view the recordings of the event here.

Heritage Talk by Emily Green

Emily Green, Interim Deputy Head of Special Collections, Heritage & Archives and University Heritage Collections Manager gave a talk to History students on 26.04.23 about what working in the Heritage Sector is like. 

You can view the talk here.

Links to some of the Careers Service resources

Information about some of the frequently-asked careers questions.

Tips on how to write an effective, relevant CV.

 How to prepare for an interview and ensure you are ready.

Information about assessment centres and some of formats they use.

If you're not sure where to start, this page provides some first steps to consider.

Information about various sectors and professional roles you can consider.

Guidance on work placements and internships, and how they can benefit you.

Advice for those considering going onto further study.

Equal Opportunities In Careers

The Careers Service established the 'Equal Opportunities in Careers' offer to improve access to opportunities for students from backgrounds and groups that are typically under-represented in higher education. You can find out more here.

You can also find the university's 'Equal Opportunities In Careers' blog here.

Information for first-generation students from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (those who are first in their immediate family to go to university, sometimes referred to as 'FirstGen') can be found here.