Scatchboard drawing

This assignment was to recreate a black and white photo in scratchboard. I thought this was an interesting project because I am used to drawing the blacks and gray of a picture, but for this I had to draw the whites. I chose a picture that I took of my rabbit, Phoebe, sitting in the sun. I thought this photo would be good for this project because of the sun on her back. I think that was the part that turned out the best because I followed the direction of her fur. The most difficult part was the blanket she was sitting on and the floor of her cage behind her. This was hard because I couldn't figure out how to draw the texture of her blanket and it isn't really clear that the floor is tile. I didn't want to just not make the background because then there would be an empty space. I used value a lot when making this drawing because the more I scratched away, the lighter that part of the drawing was. I could scratch away just the right amount to make different grays. I used line for the bars of the cage in front of her that showed that the photo was sort of at an angle and that she was inside the cage but the door was open. When I was don there were still pencil marks where I made lines so that the drawing was to scale. I couldn't erase them so I had to paint ink over those spots. Where I put the ink on the rabbit you can see brush marks. The ink it slightly different from the rest of the scratchboard so it looks weird.