modified contour drawing

The assignment for the modified contour drawing was to first use a pencil to draw your hand as close to how it look as possible using clean lines and then do the same thing for three different angles of your shoe. We used different pencils like the 2H for lighter lines and the HB for darker lines because some have softer lead than others making them better for darker lines. For the hand drawing we had to be holding an object so I chose an eraser. The problem that I had when drawing my hand was that I wasn't using enough of the page so I tried redrawing it but it turned out too small again. For the shoe drawing we had to draw the side view, the top view, and the front view. I think I did a better job of filling the page for this one because I had more things to draw. The one that was the most difficult for me to draw was the front view, especially the shoelaces, and I was a little distracted when I did it so I did not do a good job of erasing the sketchy lines and cleaning it up. The elements of art that are included in these drawings are line, shape, space, and texture. These are included because we had to draw clean lines, find the shape of the shoe and the hand, space the drawings out on the page correctly, and there was texture in the stitches of the shoes and the bottom of the shoe.