Doodle for Google

A Day in the Garden

9.5" x 3"

The prompt for doodle for google this year was "I show kindness by. . ." I interpreted this prompt by drawing a girl watering a garden with her cat. This is a way of showing kindness because she is being kind to nature and her environment and she is also caring for a cat.

I started out by drawing a couple ideas on a small piece of paper. I thought of having the "e" holding the door for all the other letter and I thought of making all the letters into dogs and drawing someone walking them. I didn't really like any of those ideas though so I took a picture of the google outline and put it into procreate to try some ideas on top of it digitally. The first thing I did was turn the "G" into the person kneeling on the ground watering a plant and then I went along to each letter turning them into plants. At the end I got to the "e" and I wasn't sure how to turn it into a plant so I ended up making it into a cat sitting on a log. Once I did the sketch I clean up the lines and then used the chalk brush to color it in and add shadows.

I used a few different values of green for the background and the plants. I used the colors yellow and orange to create unity by putting them on both ends of the word and in small details in the middle. There is some emphasis on the person's head and the sunflower because they both break the border. The flowers on the bushes create a pattern and the wavy lines in the dirt add some texture. I based each plant and off of the shape of the letters. My project evolved as I decided what to make each letter into and how to color them. My next steps could be to try incorporating this style into my sustained investigation.