2D Design



My favorite assignments in this class were the donate life poster and the emotion design project. I liked the emotion design drawing because I had fun doing all the details carefully in pen. I liked the donate life poster because it was my first time doing an assignment digitally and it turned out looking really cool. Some assignments I struggled with are the find your voice drawing, the beautiful oops, and the duck stamp. I had trouble with the find your voice drawing because I wasn't sure how to turn my thoughts on topics into a drawing. The final drawing didn't have a strong composition and I wasn't happy with it. I struggled with the beautiful oops assignment because I tried using pastels which made the drawing kind of messy and I couldn't figure out how to blend them well. I struggled with the duck stamp assignment because I hadn't done a realistic drawing in a while and I tried other materials before deciding on colored pencils. I also hadn't used colored pencils a lot before but I like how the final drawing turned out despite my struggles with it.

In this class I learned how to come up with more creative ideas and how to work with different materials. I always went through a couple different ideas for each assignment before choosing my favorite one. I also was able to choose the materials I used for each assignment which I enjoyed because I could decide what worked best with my ideas.

I improved by doing my best on each assignment and learning from my mistakes. I also improved by doing projects that were out of my comfort zone like the duck stamp. Doing critiques also helped me improve because I could see how other people interpreted the assignments and get feedback on my own work.

My work illustrates my growth as an artist because as the year went on I learned more and I think my art started looking cleaner and my style changed a little bit. Since the beginning of the year when I drew some people, I have been continuing to draw people in my free time and those drawings show my style has changed.Also, my work at the end of the semester is more interesting to look at than my work from the beginning of the year.

Something I can continue to improve on in the future is making the composition of my work stronger. For example, there were a couple drawings I did in pen that didn't have a background and adding a background would have made them look better. I could also color things darker to add more contrast like in the inclusive community painting. I can also continue to work outside of my comfort zone because that is how I can improve my art and learn new things.