Concentration #5

For this project I wanted to do something with honey comb because some of my other projects had included it but I hadn't made anything with honeycomb as the main part. I decided to use cardboard and just cut out small rectangles that were all the same size. One of the rectangles would be a side of the one of the hexagons in the honeycomb. I glued the sides together to make one full hexagon using hot glue and then just added on to that until I liked the size and shape of the honeycomb. Then I put the honeycomb on a flat piece of cardboard and traced around the whole thing. I cut out the shape to make a back for the honeycomb. I didn't want it to just be plain cardboard so I cut out a bunch of yellow scraps from magazines to make a collage on the back ground. Then I glued the honeycomb onto the back ground. When I was trying out ideas for concentration #4 I had made a bee out of wire and yellow sculpey. I decided to add this on to my sculpture to give it a point to focus on and make it more interesting.

The elements of art that I used in this project are shape, color, value, and form. I used shape in the hexagons that make up the honeycomb. I used color in the yellow collage and the bee. There are lots of different values of yellow in the collage. I used form because it is a 3D sculpture.

The principles of design that I used are balance, contrast, emphasis, and pattern. The sculpture is balanced because I made the honeycomb symmetrical. There is contrast on the bee between the black wire and the yellow sculpey. There is emphasis on the bee because there are lots of repeating hexagons but there is only one bee. There is pattern int he hexagons that make up the honeycomb.