Find Your Voice

For this project I had to find a topic that I was interested in and wanted to express my opinion on. At first I was going to do a drawing about animal testing where shampoo is tested on a rabbit but I ended up liking my second idea better. My second design was about stress and I was able to draw what I was thinking better so I went with that one. I had to do a couple different sketches because the way the person is standing was hard to get right in order to show that the stress is heavy. I used pencil and then went over it with a thing pen. I was goin to try and do another version of this project because I wasn't very happy with how this turned out but I ran out of time.

The elements of art that I used in this drawing are line, value, and shape. I used line because the material I used was black pen. I added value by doing little lines and cross hatching. I used shape by writing the word stress in bubble letters. A principal of art that I used was contrast because the whole drawing is just black and white.

I think I could improve this drawing by adding a background to make the word stress and the speech bubbles stand out and add more contrast. It could also look better if I added a little color.