Time Capsules



9' x 12"

My Planner


9" x 12"

Ivy Plant


9" x 12"

Artist Statement

The three prompts for these time capsule drawings were: draw an object that you think represents your past, draw an object that you think symbolizes your future, and draw a super-zoomed in part of yourself. The first drawing I did was the super zoomed in part of myself and for that one I chose to draw my ear. I chose my ear because I was working on it in class so I was wearing my mask over my nose and mouth and I didn't want to draw my eyes because I draw eyes all the time. I included the side of my mask and the straps going over my ear and I also added in some of my hair which was tucked behind it. For the second drawing I chose my planner as the object that I think symbolizes my future because it is a calendar of the rest of this school year, which is my future. I was also still at school when I drew that one so the objects I had to choose from were limited to the contents of my backpack. For the drawing that represents my past I chose the english ivy plant that I keep on my dresser because I have had it for about a year and I have watched it grow more leaves over time. It also has a sticker on it from a banana that I ate in the past.

I used a pencil for all of these because they were just quick 20 minute sketches so I wouldn't have time to add color or go into too much detail.

I experimented with using value to add some depth and shading to these drawings. I also started out with a very light sketch just to get the overall shape and make sure the drawing wasn't too small. Then I went over it to darken the lines and add shading. I think I could have taken up more of the page for all the drawings because there's a lot of empty space, but it doesn't matter that much because they are just sketches. All of these drawings were observational drawings which I enjoy doing and would like to practice more in the future.