Inclusion Design

Inclusive Ducklings

Digital media

8.5" x 11"

Artist Statement

The idea behind this drawing was to use multiple panels to show a story of inclusion. In the smaller panel the pigeon is sitting by the water looking sad while the ducklings play in the background. Then in the larger panel the pigeon is being included because it has been given a floaty to help it swim with the ducklings. The expression on the pigeon's face in the larger panel is a lot happier which shows the affect that inclusiveness can have on an individual.

I created this piece digitally using Procreate on the iPad because I wanted to be able to zoom into the smaller panel to add details. I started with a messy sketch and then turned down the opacity of that layer and made cleaner lines on another layer. I colored the smaller panel first and then used the color selecting tool to create the same color palette in the larger panel. I colors some of the shadows with the dry ink brush to add texture and colored the rest of the drawing using the studio ink pen.

I used the simple process that I usually do for digital art which is: messy sketch, line art, flat colors, shadows and highlights, additional details. My project evolved as I figured out how to create the idea I had in my head in a good visual way. I did a few different sketches of how the pigeon could be included like a life jacket or arm floaties on its wings before deciding on the final design. I looked at a bunch of different images of ducklings to get ideas of the basic shapes and poses they could be in on the water. I added the exclamation point and the hearts above the pigeon's head to add the cartoon style because I had already separated the drawing into panels like a comic. My next steps could be to continue experimenting with storytelling in my art.