Extended Blind Contour Drawing

Artist statement

The assignment was to make a blind contour drawing which is when you draw something without looking at the page, you can only look at the object you are drawing. And we had to draw it without picking up the marker so it was just one continuous line. The first thing I drew was my left hand using my right to draw and then I did the same thing on another part of the paper but i used my left hand to draw my right. Then I looked into a mirror and tried to draw my face without looking at the paper and for my last drawing I drew my face with my left hand. The only material I used was a black marker for that part of the assignment. Then we came back to the drawings and added some color so for that part I used water colors.

I just wanted to play around with water colors so I stated with one of the hands and colored in the finger differently and with patterns. Then I brought the colors down the page and made them go across the bottom of the page in sort of a cloud shape. Then I just colored in the faces and added some colorful clouds above them. What I changed about it was I added color and filled in the page more with some extra things like the clouds.

The thing that I am proudest of is the two larger orange clouds because I think they turned out really cool. I was trying to make the hand that I colored in look more like the colors were flowing down the page but it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it so I added the cloud pattern across the bottom which sort of helped. Something I might change about my artwork if I were to do it again is I would add more details to it instead of just coloring it with watercolors.