Reconstructing Memories

MEMORY RECONSTRUCTION: Process of bringing up old memories. Composed of current knowledge, expectations & context. It feels fluent, but RECONSTRUCTION is actually rebuilt - not a copy of an actual memory.


Transforming "what happens" into mental representations of actual event. Memories are processed and categorized for STORAGE RETRIEVAL.


With sleep, NEURAL CONNECTIONS are strengthened and the memory is stabilized & stored into long-term memory.


Reconstructing long-term memories of past experiences. Triggered by retrieval CUES that relate to the memory. Retrieving memories depends on the CUES provided.

Reconstructed Memories: Complex Knowledge

Memories evolve over time. Studies prove that even in very emotional events, participants forgot many FLASHBULB MEMORIES over time.

Reconstructed Memories: Simple Knowledge

Remembering short words over a short time requires ACTIVE RECONSTRUCTION and people aren't always able to remember the list. They might remember related words instead.


  1. Before lessons offer retrieval cues to remind students of learned material.

  2. Offer practice tests so students can participate in active reconstruction - these are much better than passive activities like flashcards and highlighting.