School and Classroom Contexts

Culture & Environment

The culture of a classroom immensely affects the learning experience of students. Students need an inviting atmosphere that makes them feel included and safe. These kinds of environments are what help measure a student's opportunities to learn.

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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Learning Opportunities

When evaluating a student's learning opportunities, both what they learn and how they're being taught are taken into consideration. Through cultural influences teachers can prepare and policy decisions can be made. By doing so, these decisions are what make the features of the classroom environment.

What Can Teachers Do?

What and how an educator teaches is important. According to the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, it best to evaluate a teacher's success by closely looking at the success of their students (Wright 1). With that being said, teachers must know what their students need. They need to learn how to see exactly what type of learners their students are, what they're capable of, where they struggle, and where they can be challenged. On top of that, teachers must show their students that their classrooms are a safe place where mistakes are welcome and achievements are rewarded. If students feel like they truly belong in the environment that their teachers have created for them, then they can more comfortably put their focus on their school work.

Teacher and Classroom Context Effects on Student Achievement: Implications for Teacher Evaluation