-Conclusion-motivation to learn

Many important topics were discussed throughout this chapter, they include:

  • Theoretical perspectives on motivation

  • Learners' beliefs and values related to motivation

  • Looking at the importance of goals as related to motivation

  • Social and cultural influences that instill motivation within learners

  • Interventions to improve motivation

"When learners believe they have control over their learning environment, they are more likely to take on challenges and persist with difficult tasks, compared with those who perceive that they have little control." - National Research Council (2012)

Goals to push forward

Learners may not always be conscious of their goals or of the motivation processes that relate to their goals. For example, activities that learners perceive as enjoyable or interesting can foster engagement without the learner’s own knowledge. It is important that students set goals according to aspirations that they have for their own education and future.

social identity & motivation

"Individuals tend to engage in activities that connect them to their social identities because doing so can support their sense of belonging and esteem and help them integrate into a social group. This integration often means taking on the particular knowledge, goals, and practices valued by that group." - Nasir (2002)