Learning Through Repetition

We have noted that such learning is most lasting when it takes place in a variety of contexts and on a schedule that is distributed over time [...]. Interactivity and feedback are two affordances that are particularly helpful for supporting these types of learning.

How People Learn II, pg. 166-7

Interactivity and Learning

Certain types of learning require rehearsal and repetition, techniques which are most effective when they occur in new ways and on a consistent schedule. Research has shown that two specific facets, interactivity and feedback, can assist in this process. Technology can facilitate both needs in and out of the classroom.

Computer-Assisted Instruction

Computer-based instruction is a method of teaching that requires user input and provides direct feedback. Using a computer or mobile device, learners can select the correct answer from a variety of options, and the program can immediately tell the user whether or not they are correct. The computer can generate thousands of different questions, meaning all the work is done digitally. With a simple interface, this technique has been used in classrooms, labs, and to help with homework outside of school.

One key disadvantage to this type of instruction is its repetitive format, which may lead to a lack of user motivation and engagement. Certain systems can, however, evaluate how well a student is performing, and will allow students to skip sections they are already familiar with. Learners can focus on absorbing new material in a more efficient format.


Gamifying is the process of providing additional forms of feedback and communication to a program, thereby turning the instruction into a game. Points may be tracked, students may be able to interact with one another, and they may also be able to compete against each other for the highest score. This is intended to promote continued use and provide positive reinforcement to the user.


Selection is the activity in which a student chooses the topics which interest them. By doing so, users can focus on the topics in which they are proficient and avoid undesirable topics. However, a possible difficulty with this is the potential for too much choice. Certain subjects may be important but unappealing, so users might not take part in the lessons and end up not learning necessary critical thinking skills.

One way to enhance motivation is to add the affordance of adaptivity.

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