Reading Disabilities

3 types of reading disabilities

  1. Problems with word recogniton and spelling.

  2. Poor reading comprehension.

  3. Difficulty in fluency and automaticity of reading

NO population-based studies but individual studies show approximately 10% samples of children with reading problems also have reading comprehension problems.

  • Studies suggest deficits in verbal abilites such as reading disabilities occur at any point from the ages 5-18.

  • The underactivation of certain regions of the brain results in weak cognitive performance on verbal tasks.

Underyling brain physiology accounts for some reading disabilities according to a variety of research.

Why is this important for teachers?

  • Teachers are dealing with students where from ages 5-18 reading disabilities start to occur. These are the ages teachers are educating all students. Some students may have a disability and may not even know, so as an educator it would proficient to be aware that a number of students could be dealing with this.