Summarizing and Drawing



Summarizing and drawing are two of the most common strategies for students. As both have shown to be very effective when learning.

Efficiency in these strategies is dependent on what is being taught. A research showed that students who drew did better on a water molecule comprehension test than those who only re-read the text as well as those who summarized. This was due to the lesson having spatial relations involved so with the drawing, it was a better strategy to help students better understand the lesson.


Due to the speed at which a student can type they tend to type out everything they hear in the lecture, which prevents them from digesting key points in a lecture


Writing notes by hand has shown to be more beneficial for students as it forces students to listen better in order to write down the most important ideas and sections in the lecture

Through research, hand writing notes has shown to have the upper hand in note taking for students as it requires them to better intake the details and key points from the lesson.