
Self-efficacy- is a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation

Making sure students feel supported is very important for their self-confidence. Students with high self-esteem often have strong self-efficacy, meaning they believe in themselves and their ability to succeed.

When students succeed they are more likely to put in more effort in the future. Students see their success and feel motivated to build on it.

Small interventions can help students succeed. Allowing students to feel acceptance helps them to develop confidence and self-efficacy. Assisting people to overcome their perceptions of bias with strong positive interventions can help build strong self-efficacy

According to the self-efficacy theory, students' development comes from multiple sources. The perceptions of the past performances experience they hear about second hand, feedback on their performances along with outside social influences.

Improving student confidence is key to improving self-efficacy. There are several ways to strengthen this characteristic. Breaking goals into subgoals allows for small and attainable victories, which helps build students self-efficacy. Giving students constructive feedback is another way of improving self-efficacy.