Collaborative and Cooperative Learning

Group Learning &Technology

  • Group learning is critical in the workplace to solve problems as a team.

  • Cooperative and Collaborative have different means to an ends

  • As with many other teaching methods, either form of learning is not a silver bullet for issues

    • Wikis meant for educational use were only found to be used by 25% of K-12 learners and 1% had multimedia content created by students

Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environments (CSILE)

  • Collaboration via students commenting on each others notes.

  • There was a correlative increase in standardized test scores

Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE)

  • STEM focused collaboration and deep learning platform

  • Encouraged students to compare viewpoints and compare work

  • Could test and evaluate work in comparison to similar work peers were doing

Using Group Learning In the Class

  • Both sides have strengths to their structure and could be used individually or together.

  • For example, a the vision for a project could be built collaboratively with the strengths of each group member. Then for the completion of the work, the group could transition to a more cooperative division of the work