Interventions to Improve Motivation

Many students loose Modivation to learn, but Reaserchers are beginning to develop interventions to improve student MOTIVATION.

There is a decline in motivation from the primary grades through high school. So what can educators do?

Psychological mechanisms

Psychological mechanisms can help students better adapt to their environment as well as help students overcome the negative impact of stereotype threat on social belongingness and sense of self.


Often times, Students can feel limited and have a very fixed view of intelligence. Exercises can help adjust students expectations of themselves as well as better understand that intellegance has the ability to grow

Which is more benificial to the student? Short term or long term motivation?

They both are!

Short term interventions that are sucsessful share several key charactaristics.

  1. directly targets the psycological mechanisims that effect motivation

  2. adopts a student centric perspective and takes into account student experiances in and out of school

  3. indirectly affects how a student thinks or feels through experience

  4. focuses on reducing barriers rather than attempting to directly increase student motivation

Researchers are beginning to develop interventions motivated by theories of motivation to improve student motivation and learning.