Instructions for all reports

Persuasive Writing

Save As Reasons Checklist MAKE A COPY of this document.

Write a different answer for each question. Many questions below seem similar--they are NOT. No two answers can be identical. Each must be phrased with different words or perspectives.

You will argue POLICY. We need to change they way we are doing something. Therefore, how should we be doing something?

    1. Thesis Write a complete sentence. Use the word should. Do NOT use the word not.
    2. Why this issue? Why did you pick this topic? What are you mad about?
    3. History What is the history of your issue? What’s been tried in the past?
    4. Opponent Who has the power to change what you want changed. Who is that?
    5. Concessions Name items that you will NOT argue about. These are items that your opponent might or could talk about and if they are mentioned, you would lose.
    6. Alternatives Name three alternatives to your idea. One is do nothing, make no change. These are items that your opponent is likely to suggest or offer.
    7. Still Better Explain how your idea is better than each alternative. Explain each alternative.
    8. Agreement What are three things about this issue that your opponent would agree with
    9. Disagreement What are three things that your opponent would disagree with?
    10. Reasons Give three reasons for why we should do your idea.
    11. Outdated We once had reasons to NOT do your idea, but things change. What changed?

    1. Solutions Your thesis is a solution. Name three problems that your thesis solves.
    2. Efficiency Name three ways your idea saves resources: time, effort, money, work, etc.
    3. Harm Who or what is being harmed by NOT doing your idea, how is it harmed?
    4. Values Connect your thesis to a value. Explain that connection. (Value: liberty, security, independence, trust, reliance, sportsmanship, emotional health, creativity, morality, etc.)
    5. Negative List three ways that your idea is bad AND how each alternative is actually worse.
  1. Response Write the best reason for why we should NOT do your thesis. Next, explain why that is exactly why we should do your idea.

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  1. List five goals that your parents have for you (this is the criteria your parents have for you) A problem your parents have is this: How do we get you to become a person with those values
  2. Name an item or a privilege that you want that you currently do NOT have and that your parents would NOT allow you to have
  3. Solution: Describe how you achieve those five goals by acquiring the item or privilege that you want. Same thing, different words: Describe how you getting the thing you want will lead to you achieving the goals your parents have for you


Add transitional devices to your criteria report

Transitional Devices

Transitional devices carry one idea to the next idea, one paragraph to the next paragraph. Transitional devices link ideas together. Transitional words help readers understand how two ideas are connected to each other.

Add to your “Criteria” report one word or phrase from each category below. Put them in RED Font.

1. To Add:

and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.)

2. To Compare:

whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true

3. To Prove:

because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is

4. To Show Exception:

yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes

5. To Show Time:

immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then

6. To Repeat:

in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted

7. To Emphasize:

definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation

8. To Show Sequence:

first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon

9. To Give an Example:

for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate

10. To Summarize or Conclude:

in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole


Convince someone that you “sort of” know to do something that you enjoy. 500 words. Use paragraphs. Use ten transitional devices (put in red font).

Start by making a short list of fun things. Mr. DeGroot will give you the name of someone in our class--it’s random. You must persuade that person to join you in doing ONE of the items on your list. Try to list many reasons for why he or she should participate. Every reason you can think of is another reason you can write about.


(Create new document. Save document as Comparative Advantage Your Name)

This will be your checklist for the report that you write

Problem: Describe a real problem that your thesis would solve (when you do this, include on your paper the word Problem)

Thesis: State your thesis as a complete sentence, use the word “should” (when you do this, include on your paper the word Thesis)

Pros: List the positives of your thesis (when you do this, include on your paper the word Pros)

Cons: List the negatives of your thesis (you guessed it, include the word Cons)

Alternative 1: Describe an alternative solution to the above problem (yep, write Alternative 1 in front of the first alternative)

Pros: List the positives of this idea (include the labels for each of these: Pros, Cons, Alternative 2, Pros, Cons)

Cons: List the negatives of this idea

Alternative 2: Describe an alternative solution to the above problem

Pros: List the positives of this idea

Cons: List the negatives of this idea

This will be the report that you write

Paragraph 1: Describe a problem that needs to be solved. Show the reader that the reader is negatively affected by this problem and that a solution MUST BE FOUND!

Paragraph 2: Name three ways of solving this problem. Do NOT advocate for your thesis (that is, the reader should NOT know that you support one of these ideas over the other ideas).

Paragraph 3: Describe alternative #1. Describe the good and bad things about alternative #1. Compare the good things of this idea to both the other alternative and to your thesis. Try to show how those good things are even better with your thesis. Do the same with the bad things: show how those bad things are just as bad with "Alternative #2" and how they are NOT as bad or do NOT exist with your thesis. Note: Only the pros and cons of this solution, NOT the pros and cons of the other solutions--those get discussed in the next two paragraphs.

Paragraph 4: Describe alternative #2. Follow the instructions for writing paragraph 3 but now compare/contrast the pros and cons of "Alternative #2."

Paragraph 5: Describe your thesis, per instructions for paragraph 3.

Paragraph 6: (Present the results) Remind readers of the problem. Repeat the information that is most favorable to your thesis. Repeat the information that is least favorable to the alternatives. State that your thesis is the best solution

Sources: You must use three sources of information in this report. These can be expert opinions or facts. Each must be restricted to ONE sentence in your report. Put those three sentences in red font.


INSTRUCTIONS: Persuade us in writing to agree with your thesis. Title your report: First Report.

You must use at least one source of information. You must document that source--but you are NOT graded on how well or wrong your documentation is. Due tomorrow. Do quality work.

You have no other instructions. I will give no other instructions. I want to see what you do.

Opposition Report & Antithesis Report

Blue font = your side of issue

Red font = opponent’s side of issue

    1. These papers are done

Problem-Solution Report, or (Argue your thesis)

Comparative Advantage Report, or

Statement of Reasons Report

Your Thesis: We should ban candy.

Reason 1: Candy is unhealthful

Reason 2: Candy causes cavities

Reason 3: Candy is a gateway to crime

    1. This paper is done

Opposition Report (Opponent responds to your thesis)

Response to Thesis: Bad people say we should ban candy.

They say, “candy is unhealthful.” Here’s how they’re wrong

They say, “candy causes cavities.” Here’s how they’re ….

They say, “candy is a gateway to crime.” Here’s how ….

    1. This paper is done--it is actually not a paper, but is stuff you need to write paper #4.

Antithesis Paper (Argue opponent’s side; opponent creates a thesis that is opposite of your thesis)

Opponent’s Thesis: We should have more candy.

Reason 1: Candy is healthful (+1 sentence to explain)

Reason 2: Candy does not cause cavities (+1 sentence)

Reason 3: Candy is a gateway to civil harmony (+1 sentence)

Reason 4:

R 5:

    1. This paper is not done

Response to Antithesis (You reply to your opponent’s thesis)

Thesis: When my opponent claims “we should have more candy,” my opponent is wrong and we should actually ban candy. Some of my opponent’s claims are true, but the conclusions are false. Other claims are simply false.

Let’s take a look.

Reason 1: My opponent’s statement that “candy is healthful” and because “candy is healthful, we should have more candy” is stupid. Yes, it is true that candy is healthful--one, ONE piece of candy can be healthful and that is what my opponent does not tell you. Making the conclusion that if ONE piece of candy is healthful, then unlimited pieces of candy must be even more healthful is simply ridiculous.

Reason 2:

Reason 3:



(This report lists your opponent’s best reasons. You must acknowledge the ones that are true. You must explain how the ones that are true are actually evidence that supports your side of the issue and damages your opponent’s side. If any claims are false, you must demonstrate how they are false.)

1 & 2 are two sides of the same coin

3 & 4 are two sides of a different coin