11/9 Friday

Post date: Nov 9, 2012 8:23:51 PM

Revise essay.

Students are to add sentences to their essay. Students are revising their essay that contains four paragraphs, the "block" style essay.

Start by underlining three sentences in each paragraph. Begin rewriting all of the essay--create a new copy. When a student gets to an underlined sentence, write the sentence on the new copy. Now add two new sentences: write a longer version of the sentence (elaborate) just written. Next, add one of these three sentences: (1) A sentence that gives an example of what is being written about, or (2) a sentence that explains why you like or do not like the thing you are writing about, or (3) a sentence that describes the look, smell, taste, texture, or sound of the thing that you are writing about.

Purpose: Students are to elaborate on what they have written. Their first essay listed the essential information that was being compared and contrasted. Either sentences were short or all information was clumped into one sentence. For the essay due on Monday, students are to expand on what they have written by adding descriptive sentences, sentences that give an example, or sentences that explain why the student likes or dislikes what he or she is explaining.

Students are to add a transition sentence to the end of each paragraph (but not to the end of the last paragraph).

Add a new introduction. Add a conclusion.