Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Modern Version Script


Record the following information for each of the 24 scenes in Romeo and Juliet.

  1. Act and scene #
  2. Location
  3. Time of day (early morning, late morning, noon, afternoon, late afternoon, early evening, late evening, middle of night)
  4. List the characters who are in the scene
  5. Essential information: What is the single most important thing in this scene that moves the story forward? What in this scene can NOT be removed
  6. 50-word summary
  7. Describe a time that you experienced something similar


PRINCE ESCALUS, Ruler of Verona

PARIS: Wants to marry Juliet, cousin of Prince

MERCUTIO: Romeo's BFF, cousin of Prince

FRIAR LAWRENCE: Mentor to both Romeo and Juliet

FRIAR JOHN: Another friar that Lawrence knows

APOTHECARY: A poor herbalist in Mantua

ROSALINE: A girl that Romeo is in love with


LORD CAPULET: Juliet's dad, favors Paris

LADY CAPULET: Juliet's mom

JULIET: Star of the show

TYBALT: Juliet's cousin, loves fighting

NURSE: Juliet's mentor and friend

PETER: Servant who helps the Nurse

GREGORY: Servant for Lord Capulet

SAMPSON: Servant for Lord Capulet


LORD MONTAGUE: Romeo's dad

LADY MONTAGUE: Romeo's mom

ROMEO: Star of the show

BENVOLIO: Romeo's cousin, loves peace

ABRAHAM: Servant for Lord Montague

BALTHASAR: Servant for Lord Montague

Capulet = capital (wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing)

Montague = monetary / moneta (of or relating to money or currency)

Types of Love found in Romeo and Julie


  1. Infatuation- loving feelings towards a love object that are largely based upon fantasy and idealization (instead of experience). Often when partners get to know each other, infatuation diminishes. Romeo and Rosaline
  2. Romantic Love- An abiding love for a partner with whom you feel passion, attraction, caring and respect. Juliet and Romeo
  3. Eros- a passionate love usually involving sexual feelings for a love interest. Juliet and Romeo
  4. Companionate Love- feelings of warmth towards a friend with whom you love to spend time Mercutio and Romeo
  5. Unconditional Love- A type of affection and caring that is so strong that you feel it consistently, regardless of what that other person does Romeo's parents (NOT Juliet's parents)
  6. Conditional Love- A love that requires specific action or conditions in order to be maintained. For example, at its extreme, a parent who gives very conditional love would only love his child when he gets straight A’s, becomes a surgeon and has two children. The love is based on outside conditions and when they do not occur, the love is withdrawn. Juliet's mom
  7. Puppy Love- A childish, innocent temporary crush on someone that you don’t know well. Romeo and Rosaline
  8. Maternal Love- This term usually connotes love that is nurturing, accepting and protective. In actuality this love can also be given by a father etc. Romeo's mom, Nurse
  9. Paternal Love- This term connotes love that involves guidance and some authority. Paternal love usually prepares a child to be ready for the outside world. Again, in reality this type of love is not gender specific. Romeo's dad, Prince Esculas
  10. Soulmate Love- This type of love is described as a love that has survived multiple life times. Not everyone believes in this concept. Romeo and Juliet as "Star-Crossed Lovers"? Maybe not.
  11. Spiritual/Divine Love- This type of love recognizes the Divine light in everyone and everything. Love is given to everyone as an act of loving God. Friar Lawrence
  12. Love of your country or patriotism- This is love for the place you live or the place that were born. It is a type of loyalty and a special feeling of belonging that you attribute to that specific geographic location. Citizens of Verona
  13. Self-Love- This is a positive feeling that you have about who you are and what you deserve. It often is expressed by treating yourself well, respecting yourself, wanting yourself to be happy and expecting others to respect you too. Mercutio
  14. Brotherly Love- This term connotes having a feeling of love for your neighbor, because all humanity is considered to be part of a larger family of human beings. Friar Lawrence
  15. Tough Love- This term is used to describe a love that is expressed by setting boundaries for the good of the other person. So for example, a parent may send their teenager to rehab if he is drug addicted, even if he does not want to go. They feel that this is an act of love because it stems from a desire for their son’s ultimate good and happiness. Juliet's mom and (specifically) dad

General Terms:

  • Platonic Love--general goodwill for others
  • Courtly Love--ancient code of rules that still exist for what love is and how love is "supposed to be."


  • Love of ruler for subjects / citizens
  • Love of priest for congregation / flock
  • Love of parent for child
  • Love of child for parent
  • Love of husband and wife (just married)
  • Love of husband and wife (45th anniversary)
  • Love of self (pride, arrogance, confidence: can be positive, can be negative)
  • Love of person-you-just-met and don't-even-know-their-name
  • Love of a pet

Why read Romeo and Juliet?

Here's why:

Key Ideas and Details

1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

This means Here is what it actually says and it's written right there on page __

2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

This means The person who wrote this is trying to teach a lesson that ___ is good or ___ is bad; also the author writes about ___ in order to teach that lesson

3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.

This means people change; the same is true in stories; those changes affect other people for either good results or bad results

Craft and Structure

4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

This means words can have multiple meanings depending on how they are said, and I can figure it out

5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.

This means big ideas of a story will usually start out as small ideas. Those ideas grow, sometimes with suspense. The author picks and chooses when new information is given to readers.

6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.

This means who is telling the story? The good guy or the bad guy? What's the purpose of this story? To entertain, inform, or persuade?

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.

This means how is the movie different from the book

8. Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.

This means read something else on the same topic or read a different version of the same story

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

9. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

This means I can do it on my own.

Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary

Pick ten of these words.

Do this assignment by hand. Do NOT type this assignment.

  • Rewrite definition in your own words.
  • Find two synonyms for the word.
  • Find one antonym for the word.
  • Use the vocabulary word in a sentence that describes something that you have done. Somebody can understand what the word means based upon how you used it in your sentence(s).
    1. Piteous deserving or inciting a feeling of sympathy and sorrow
    2. Pernicious exceedingly harmful
    3. Augment enlarge or increase
    4. Portentous of momentous or ominous significance
    5. Importune beg persistently and urgently
    6. Transgression the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle
    7. Propagate multiply through reproduction
    8. Assail attack someone physically or emotionally
    9. Posterity all future generations
    10. Languish become feeble
    11. Fortnight a period of fourteen consecutive days
    12. Hoodwink conceal one's true motives from
    13. Visage the human face
    14. Benefice an endowed church office giving income to its holder
    15. Disparagement a communication that belittles somebody or something
    16. Semblance an outward appearance that is deliberately misleading
    17. Prologue an introduction to a play
    18. Choler a humor once believed to be secreted by the liver and cause irritability and anger
    19. Valiant having or showing valor
    20. Profane grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred
    21. Pernicious exceedingly harmful
    22. Forfeit something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty
    23. Adversary someone who offers opposition
    24. Augment grow or intensify
    25. Portentous puffed up with vanity
    26. Transgression the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle
    27. Purge rid of impurities
    28. Vex disturb, especially by minor irritations
    29. Assail attack someone physically or emotionally
    30. Posterity all future generations
    31. Bliss a state of extreme happiness
    32. Forswear formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief

Pick ten of these words.

Do this assignment by hand. Do NOT type this assignment.

Rewrite definition in your own words.

Find two synonyms for the word.

Find one antonym for the word.

Use the vocabulary word in a sentence that describes something that you have done. Somebody can understand what the word means based upon how you used it in your sentence(s).