
Post date: May 14, 2012 5:54:18 PM

Revise pop-up plays.

See the attached file below.

You now have someone else's pop up play. You must reduce the number of lines to 26 and follow the remaining instructions listed in the attachment.

Instructions for Pop-up Play Revision

Each item below is worth one point. Each item is “yes” or “no.”

  1. The first line includes “This play was originally written by ____ and revised by ____.”
  2. Every line includes words that the speaker has to say; all words spoken are italicized
  3. Every line includes an action the speaker has to do; all actions are [inside brackets]; “You stand up” is not an action; “You say in a loud voice” is not an action
  4. Each line does tell the speaker to announce which line(s) goes next
  5. At least two lines are said by multiple persons
  6. Play has exactly 26 lines speaking/acting lines; your script may have more than 26 slips of paper since “at least two lines are said by multiple persons”
  7. The last line includes a moral to the story.
  8. The last line includes the phrase “the end.”
  9. Play has been sent to Mr. (Doug) DeGroot via Google docs and is saved as “Pop-up Play 2”