
Post date: Feb 24, 2012 4:24:52 PM

Turn your story into a readers-theater for radio.

Save your story as Readers Theater.

Step one: save your story as reader's theater. Step two: make sure you have saved your story as readers theater.

Convert your story into a play. Convert your story into a play that would be understandable if listened to on the radio. Convert your story into a format that would work if the story were read on the radio. Your audience will need to image all events that they hear. You will need to voice all events that happen. As you are rewriting, ask yourself, "How would this work on the radio?"

All words said need to be in this format:

[Sound of phone ringing]

BOB: Well, it looks like another case of envy to me. (chuckles to self)

CINDY: (snapping a finger) Oh quiet down Bob! You always did get too excited after a little coffee.

MARY: (interrupting nervously) But could we please get the phone number?

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, back in the corn field, Helen and Adam are still discussing the virtues of licorice.

All NAMES for lines are capitalized

All sound effects are in [brackets]

All instructions to actors are in (parenthesis)

You may use NARRATORS: Likely you will use only one narrator to help explain transitions, though you may use more than one for comic effect (as in they argue).